Código Ético

Policies and Corporate Social Responsibility


Quality Policies

Silgest Dirección Empresarial S.L.
La Herramienta Industrial S.L.
Perfeccionamientos Técnicos Salamanca S.L.” Pertesa”
La Herramienta Express S.L.

Since it was founded, Grupo Silgest has created a corporate culture based on integrity, honesty, fairness, and full compliance with all the laws in force. The management of our company has always promoted this policy and the employees in all our offices around the world work every day to establish and maintain open, friendly, and positive individual and collective relationships between each other and between our customers and suppliers, which we consider to be a fundamental and essential requirement for the development of our work.

Our Group complies with all applicable laws in the countries in which it operates and respects the eight core conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations Global Compact and the ILO Declaration on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy. Therefore, we can say that our company promotes and respects the highest international standards and initiatives for the continuous improvement of working conditions.

The objectives to which Grupo Silgest and its companies are committed are the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.

Human Rights
  • Principle 1: Our businesses support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
  • Principle 2: We ensure that we are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  • Principle 3: Our companies uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
  • Principle 4: We work towards the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
  • Principle 5: We work for the effective abolition of child labour.
  • Principle 6: We work for the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Principle 7: Our operations support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
  • Principle 8: We undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
  • Principle 9: We encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Principle 10: Our businesses work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

We value and protect our confidential information and respect the confidential information of others.


Occupational Safety and Health Policy

The aim of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy is to achieve a safe and healthy working environment both within the Group and in its spheres of influence. In order to achieve this goal, the Group assumes and promotes the following basic principles that must govern all its activities:

Respecting the basic pillars of the Group’s occupational health and safety concept:

  • The quality, productivity and profitability of its activities are as important as the safety and health of its employees. These are permanent and fundamental objectives of the Group.
  • The safety of employees must always be paramount. All accidents must be prevented and the necessary resources must be allocated to this end.
  • Continuous improvement in all areas of occupational risk prevention management is a fundamental variable for the future of the Group’s companies.

To ensure that all Group decisions include the necessary compliance with occupational risk prevention regulations and the Group’s own internal regulations..

Develop and implement a global occupational health and safety system for the entire Group that includes::

  • The integration of occupational health and safety criteria in all phases of the process, in all work methods and in all decisions, in such a way that managers, technicians, supervisors and workers assume their responsibilities in this area.
  • The identification, assessment and effective control of work-related risks.
  • The matching of the employee to his or her job through health surveillance and training of workers.
  • An occupational health and safety assessment mechanism in accordance with established Group-wide standards to identify possible deviations..

Require contractors to comply with the safety standards established by the Group and involve them in the preventive culture implemented.

Encourage the participation of all employees in the promotion of health and safety, cooperating with the Group to raise safety standards.

Promote the Group’s preventive culture through:

  • Ongoing training and education of employees, in order to involve each worker and make them aware of the impact of their work on the safety of people, processes and facilities.
  • Encouraging behaviour that respects the health and safety of workers.
  • The exchange of best practices in the application of the global occupational health and safety standards defined, improving them continuously, becoming increasingly demanding and effective.

ISO 45001 Certification

Grupo Silgest companies are certified to ISO 45001, the international standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS)..

What does our ISO 45001 certification imply?

  • Commitment to occupational health and safety: Achieving ISO 45001 certification reflects our unwavering commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment. We have developed and maintain a management system that identifies and mitigates risks before they become incidents.
  • Compliance with current regulations: ISO 45001 certification ensures that we comply with all applicable occupational health and safety laws and regulations. This compliance not only protects our employees, but also enhances our reputation and trust among customers, partners and stakeholders.
  • Culture of continuous improvement: ISO 45001 encourages us to continually review and improve our occupational health and safety practices. This is achieved through internal and external audits, as well as through employee feedback and active participation in risk management.
  • Benefits for our employees: Implementing an OSHMS based on ISO 45001 creates a safer and more motivating work environment, reducing absenteeism and increasing productivity. It also fosters a culture of well-being, where every employee feels valued and protected.

This certification is a testament to our ongoing commitment to occupational health and safety.


Human Resources Policy

The management of the Grupo Silgest considers its employees to be a fundamental strategic asset. In accordance with the provisions of our Mission, Vision and Values, the companies belonging to the Group must take care of their employees and offer them a good working environment, promoting their development, training and conciliation measures, favouring equal opportunities.

The purpose of this Policy is to define, design and disseminate a human resources management model for the Group that will make it possible to attract, promote and retain talent and foster the personal and professional growth of all the people who belong to the human resources team, making them participants in the business success project and guaranteeing them a dignified and secure job.

Human resources management must be governed by respect for diversity, equal opportunities and non-discrimination and the alignment of the interests of professionals with the strategic objectives of the company.

Recruitment and Selection of Personnel:

A qualified, diversified and motivated human team is essential to achieve our strategic goals. To achieve success it is critical to recruit, select and retain the best talent in accordance with current legislation and best professional practices.

In order to achieve these objectives, Grupo Silgest accepts and promotes the following basic principles that must govern all its recruitment and selection activities:

  • Respect equal opportunities and promote non-discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, age, sex, marital status, ideology, political opinions, nationality, religion or any other personal, physical or social condition. It will guarantee the capacity to incorporate, motivate and retain the best talent and maintain the ethical and legal principles expected of a trustworthy company, congruent and aligned with the values of its customers, employees and the community.
  • Include all professionals who fit the required skills profile, without exclusions of any kind that limit the effectiveness of the selection process.
  • Ensure that the selection process is carried out exclusively on the basis of merit and ability, guaranteeing that all candidates are treated equally throughout the process. To this end, selection processes shall be designed in such a way as to avoid any kind of discrimination.
  • Identify and evaluate suitable candidates according to the knowledge, attitudes, skills and competencies required for the different jobs.
  • Comply with the labour legislation in force in each country regarding recruitment and selection.
  • Guarantee absolute confidentiality to all candidates in accordance with the rules of personal data protection.
  • Favour young people’s access to their first job through scholarship programmes and other arrangements.
  • Presenting candidates with a competitive value offer that favours the selection and recruitment of the best professionals.
  • The Group’s value offer should be based on competitive remuneration, a working environment based on equal opportunities, the business project, work-life balance and conciliation.
  • Promote the hiring of its professionals through permanent and stable contracts.
  • Homogenise working conditions and benefits obtained by part-time and full-time employees.
  • Guarantee that the selection and hiring processes are objective and impartial and do not condition the hiring of family members of Group professionals or persons with a similar personal relationship, avoiding the involvement in the selection process of the professionals to whom they are related.
  • Favour the hiring of employees from excluded groups and people with different abilities.

Talent Management and Training:

Talent management is the key to improving the Group’s position vis-à-vis its competitors and must pursue the definition of a framework for developing a global quality management system, which affects all our professionals.

A fundamental aspect of global talent management in the Group is training. Its fundamental principles of action are:

  • Establishing a conceptual framework that includes all the training actions designed to promote the qualification of the workforce, adapting it to a multicultural working environment, permeable to cultural changes, expanding the principles set out in the Mission, Vision and Values of the Grupo Silgest, creating value and favouring the sustainable development of the business.
  • Implementation of training programmes and plans that favour professional improvement for the performance of the job, the adaptation of human resources to technological and organisational changes, the adaptation of new employees to the Group’s requirements and a greater capacity for professional development.
  • Training as a key element of professional qualification that opens up opportunities for promotion within the Group.
  • Dissemination and sharing of existing knowledge within the Group, continuous learning and cultural exchange, so as to increase operational efficiency through the appropriate use of intellectual capital.

To this end, the Grupo Silgest’s objective in the field of training is to provide the appropriate means for the development of the professional skills necessary to effectively manage the challenges that each job entails and to provide each employee with greater satisfaction in their day-to-day work.

Each employee, whatever their function, must be aware of the need to constantly improve their knowledge and skills. The training offer aimed at Grupo Silgest employees is based on courses to improve professional skills and knowledge applicable to each discipline, as well as those related to the progress of leadership, commitment, prioritisation, teamwork and recognition.



Internal Promotion Policy

Internal promotion policies are based on the belief that the long-term success of our company depends on our ability to attract, motivate and develop employees capable of establishing our growth on a constant basis and on the employee’s capacity for continuous improvement and effort.

The Group’s policy is to recruit employees with the personality and professional skills that will enable them to develop a long-term relationship with the company, which is why the potential for professional development is an essential criterion when recruiting.

Performance appraisals and development:

Employee appraisals and the communication of their outcome is a fundamental aspect of their professional development.

The main principles of action in this case are:

  • Conduct annual performance appraisals of the Group’s employees.
  • Communicate their result to the employee in a way that favours their professional development.

Compensation and benefits:

Management considers it a priority that the remuneration system favours the consolidation of its human capital, as the main differentiating factor with respect to its competitors.
The principles of action that should guide the Group’s remuneration system are as follows:

  • Favour the attraction, recruitment and retention of the best professionals.
  • To be consistent with the strategic positioning of the Group and its development, with its international and multicultural reality and with its objective of excellence.
  • To recognise and reward the dedication, responsibility and performance of all its professionals.
  • Adapt to the different local realities in which the Group’s different companies operate.

Diversity, Equality and Work-Life Balance

Our principles of action in this area are detailed below:

  • Respect diversity, promoting non-discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, age, sex, marital status, ideology, political opinions, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or any other personal, physical or social condition among its professionals.
  • To develop the principle of equal opportunities, compliance with which constitutes one of the essential pillars of professional development and which entails a commitment to practise and demonstrate equal treatment that promotes the personal and professional progression of the human team.
  • Promote effective equality between women and men in terms of access to employment, training, professional promotion and working conditions, encouraging gender diversity as a manifestation of social and cultural reality.
  • To implement conciliation measures that favour respect for the personal and family life of its professionals and facilitate a better balance between this and the work responsibilities of women and men..

Corporative Social Responsibility

Companies must play a fundamental role in people’s lives as agents of development in the communities where they are located.

Grupo Silgest actively participates with other organisations in programmes and initiatives that contribute to improving people’s quality of life by participating in sporting, cultural and social activities in the region.

It regularly collaborates with the Congregation of the Servants of Charity, the Basketball Sports Club (Zunder Palencia), the Cristo Atlético Palencia Sports Club, the Palencia Astronomical Association and the San Juan de Dios Welfare Centre.

In addition, the Group’s companies will develop corporate volunteer programmes that promote the participation of our professionals in solidarity actions, with the aim of contributing to improving people’s quality of life.

The aim of these programmes will be to:

  • Contribute to the development of social welfare and solidarity.
  • Reinforce the sense of belonging to the Group and improve the working environment.
  • Contribute to the ethical training of employees, channelling their spirit of solidarity for the benefit of the communities in which the Group is present.
  • Promote the values of participation, commitment, responsibility and teamwork.

Data Protection Policy


In compliance with the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, Silgest Group informs you, that the personal data obtained from our contract and/or employment relationship, will become part of the files owned by Silgest Group and its companies*, being treated in accordance with current legislation on personal data protection, for the purpose of maintaining or fulfilling the employment relationship, human resources and personnel management, as well as the control or monitoring of training, disciplinary regime, absenteeism and compliance with the obligations in terms of prevention of occupational hazards.

We inform you that you may exercise your rights of access, cancellation, opposition or rectification, via the e-mail address:


Or by written communication addressed to:

Grupo Silgest
Calle Sevilla, 16
34004 – Palencia

In both cases, always accompanied by a photocopy of your national identity card (DNI) or passport.


Your personal data will only be transferred when authorised by law or when strictly necessary for the fulfilment and development of the employment relationship agreed with any of the companies of the Silgest Group. In particular, the transfer of personal data is foreseen in the following cases:

  • To the bank designated for the payment of the corresponding salaries and financial payments.
  • To the administrations and public and/or private bodies, whose communication is obligatory for the companies* of the Group, as a consequence of compliance with legal obligations.
  • To insurance brokers, agencies or companies with which insurance policies are taken out to insure or cover risks related to the employee’s work activity.
  • To service providers related to the development of the activity (hotels, travel agencies, transport, etc.).
  • To occupational risk prevention entities and mutual insurance companies that the Silgest Group or its companies* have contracted in order to comply with current legislation.
  • To training entities when employees take courses promoted or subsidised by the Silgest Group or its companies*, so that they can carry them out and issue them with the corresponding certificate of attendance and aptitude.
  • To the bodies of the Autonomous Communities competent in matters of finance and social services.

In all cases, the data communicated will be exclusively that which is appropriate, pertinent and in accordance with the law. Please inform us of any change of data in order to keep them always up to date.